Top-Rated Wholesale
- One-Stop Sourcing From Japan -
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  • 1,800+
    Japanese Suppliers
  • 820,000+
    Various Items
  • Direct Shipping
    to USA
  • No Minimum


Retailers(US,CA)→Vendors(Japan) ORDER and PAYMENT / Vendors(Japan)→SHIPMENT→SUPER DELIVER Ware House→DELIVERY→Retailers(US,CA)
We have
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Stationery, Handcrafts, Kitchenware, Plushes, Home decors, Japanese fashion accessories and more Japanese items...
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Discover Our Popular Products
Japanese Stationery
Our worldly beloved collection includes vibrant stickers, washi tapes, cutting-edge writing materials, and charming hand-drawn designs by renowned brands and unique artists, perfect for adding items to your inventory.
Character Merchandise
Explore character items featuring classic Japanese characters, beloved anime icons, and charming animal themes. These creative and innovative products are sure to attract enthusiasts and boost your sales.
Japanese Kitchenware
Discover our Japanese kitchenware, featuring renowned knives, Mino-ware, Hasami-ware pottery, and everyday essentials. Enjoy quality craftsmanship in chopsticks, cutlery, and traditional pieces favored worldwide.
Accessories & Handicrafts
Japanese suppliers prioritize craftsmanship with premium materials and precise methods, offering exquisite threads, patches, fabrics, bags, and socks known for unmatched durability and style.
Our customer's voice
It is able to easily buy the Japanese brand we were looking for.
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It became simple to buy wholesale from several brands in Japan.
Toy Shop
You can find unique and various new items that you couldn't find by yourself before!
Have a question?
Q How does SUPER DELIVERY work?
A Along with all the Japanese vendors, the domestic warehouse and all the delivery services, SUPER DELIVERY is striving and working collaboratively to deliver the products to you.
After you placing an order on SUPER DELIVERY, our vendors will ship out the products to SUPER DELIVERY's domestic warehouse.
Once the products arrive at the warehouse, we take care of the procedure of exporting from Japan to your country, with the shipping method you selected.
Q Is there a mimimum of quantity?
A Although SUPER DELIVERY is a BtoB wholesale website for manufacturers and retailers, we do not set minimum order quantity. However each vendor may have diferrent requirements and please refer to each product page for details.
Most of the products can be purchased from 1 piece.
Q What shipping methods are available for shipping to U.S.?
A Following shipping methods are available:
  • - Sea Mail (Japan post)
  • - Air Mail (Japan post)
  • - DHL
  • - ECMS Express
  • - EMS (Japan post)
  • - FedEx
  • - UPS
Please refer to the following link for more deail.
Q How can I pay?
A Credit card, PayPal and T/T (bank transfer) are available.

Please refer to the following link for more detail.

Q How much does it cost for shipping?
A The shipping fee varies depending on shipping methods.
You can save up to 25% off when you purchase certain amount in one order.
Please refer to the following page for details.
Q How do returns work?
A If the product is damaged, defective or lost, please send us a refund request within 14days after receiving your parcel.
SUPER DELIVERY will issue a refund via PayPal or SD points that you can redeem when shopping from our website.

Please refer to the following link for more detail.


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Member Registration

In case of delivery to an address in Japan, please use our Japanese ver. website. * We will not keep your email address for record without your complete registration.

Start shopping with JPY 3,000 (about $20 USD) OFF