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SC 研究小组
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*尺寸(厘米):21 x 14.8 x 1.6
*页数: 176 |
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本书是一本精心挑选的[虚拟货币基础知识],是您在投资虚拟货币时绝对需要了解的内容。虚拟货币(加密资产)投资入门。 比特币】作为虚拟货币的代名词,2017年最高达到200多万日元,2018年一路跌至40万日元。人们以为,投资虚拟货币已经结束了。 然而,之后价格逐渐走高,2020年下半年,一路上涨,2021年一度达到400万日元。 随着科罗娜灾难给世界带来的变化,以比特币为首的虚拟货币作为一种新货币,其投资也备受关注。 本书精心挑选了投资虚拟货币时绝对需要了解的[虚拟货币的基础知识]。 本书推荐给[想要开始投资虚拟货币的人]。 除了漫画家*吉村的有趣漫画外,本书还提供了大量插图和图表进行解释。因此,你可以顺利了解投资虚拟货币的重要事项。 具体来说,本书首先解释了 "什么是虚拟货币?这本书首先解释了什么是虚拟货币,然后仔细讲解了虚拟货币的类型、如何买卖虚拟货币、如何通过阅读图表来判断何时买入何时卖出,以及虚拟货币诞生的背景。以及虚拟货币诞生的背景。 从漫画中学习如何把握机会,赚取利润!让我们和主人公一起以 "1 亿日元的乐趣 "为目标吧! *本书是[Manga de Wakaru Saiyoku no Virtual Currency Nyumon](2019年出版)的更新版。 |
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具体来说,本书首先解释了 "什么是虚拟货币?这本书首先解释了什么是虚拟货币,然后仔细讲解了虚拟货币的类型、如何买卖虚拟货币、如何通过阅读图表来判断何时买入何时卖出,以及虚拟货币诞生的背景。以及虚拟货币诞生的背景。
从漫画中学习如何把握机会,赚取利润!让我们和主人公一起以 "1 亿日元的乐趣 "为目标吧!
*本书是[Manga de Wakaru Saiyoku no Virtual Currency Nyumon](2019年出版)的更新版。
Bitcoin], synonymous with virtual currency, reached a high of over 2 million yen in 2017 and fell all the way to 400,000 yen in 2018. It was thought that investing in virtual currencies was over.
However, the price gradually increased after that, and in the second half of 2020, it went up all the way to ¥4 million at one point in 2021.
As the world has been transformed by the Corona disaster, investment in virtual currencies, led by bitcoin as a new currency, is attracting attention.
This book contains carefully selected [basic basics of virtual currencies] that you absolutely need to know when investing in virtual currencies.
This book is recommended for [those who want to start investing in virtual currency].
In addition to the fun cartoon by cartoonist* Yosh Yosh Yoshimura, the book provides explanations with plenty of illustrations and diagrams. Therefore, you can smoothly understand the important matters for investing in virtual currency.
Specifically, the book starts with an explanation of "What is virtual currency? The book starts with an explanation of what virtual currencies are, and then carefully explains the types of virtual currencies, how to buy and sell virtual currencies, how to read charts to determine when to buy and when to sell, and the background behind the birth of virtual currencies.
Learn from the manga to take advantage of the opportunities and make a profit! [Enjoy making 100 million yen!] Let's aim for "100 million yen in fun" together with the main character!
*This book is an updated version of [Manga de Wakaru Saiyoku no Virtual Currency Nyumon] (published in 2019).