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作者:Keizo Hoshino,Mamiko Hoshino 艺术指导:Zain
著者: 星野桂三、星野万美子 アートディレクション:ザイン
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B5 尺寸* 248 页
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独特画廊的现代艺术发掘史 星野画廊发掘埋藏在明治、大正和昭和初期的艺术家作品已有半个世纪。京都对近现代艺术史上的杰作提出了质疑,并始终只引进符合自己标准的杰作,而不论其声名如何。该美术馆是介绍著名艺术家的先驱,如畠山辉男、海城久宗、冈本真叟和坂本龙一等。本书完整记录了画廊自成立以来举办的 160 场展览。书中附有 1,000 多幅插图,包括邀请函、展览视图和文章,追溯了这家独一无二的画廊的足迹以及京都的现代艺术史。 [我一生的职责就是回顾那些将生命融入作品的画家。] 星野敬三(摘自报纸文章) [星野先生是一个神秘的人。 每当我参观他的画廊时,他的作品总是给我留下深刻印象,我以前从未见过他的作品。 每当我参观他的画廊时,总能发现一些我从未见过的令人惊叹的艺术作品,但却能吸引我的注意力。 当被问及这些画是谁的作品时,我总能说出一些从未听说过的名字。 不仅如此,我还惊奇地发现一幅又一幅,一幅又一幅,我不知道它们在那个小画廊里藏到了哪里。 我想知道他们在那个小画廊里藏身何处。 他们好像就藏在那个小画廊里。 高嶋修二(艺术史学家) *关于星野画廊 1971 年,星野敬三(Keizo Hoshino)和真美子(Mamiko Hoshino)以 "星野艺术顾问 "的名义开始了他们的艺术事业,1973 年开设了 "星野画廊",并在日本京都市东山区神宫道沿线开设了一家商店。[他将 "重新发现画家 "作为毕生事业,举办了 "被遗忘的画家系列 "等展览。他的作品已在全国公共博物馆展出 250 多次。全国博物馆。 |
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星野画廊发掘埋藏在明治、大正和昭和初期的艺术家作品已有半个世纪。京都对近现代艺术史上的杰作提出了质疑,并始终只引进符合自己标准的杰作,而不论其声名如何。该美术馆是介绍著名艺术家的先驱,如畠山辉男、海城久宗、冈本真叟和坂本龙一等。本书完整记录了画廊自成立以来举办的 160 场展览。书中附有 1,000 多幅插图,包括邀请函、展览视图和文章,追溯了这家独一无二的画廊的足迹以及京都的现代艺术史。
1971 年,星野敬三(Keizo Hoshino)和真美子(Mamiko Hoshino)以 "星野艺术顾问 "的名义开始了他们的艺术事业,1973 年开设了 "星野画廊",并在日本京都市东山区神宫道沿线开设了一家商店。[他将 "重新发现画家 "作为毕生事业,举办了 "被遗忘的画家系列 "等展览。他的作品已在全国公共博物馆展出 250 多次。全国博物馆。
It has been half a century since Hoshino Gallery has unearthed the works of artists buried in the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa periods. Hoshino Gallery in Kyoto has questioned the modern art history of masterpieces and has consistently introduced only those masterpieces that meet their own criteria, regardless of their notoriety. The gallery has been a pioneer in introducing well-known artists such as Teruo Hata, Kusune Kaijo, Shinso Okamoto, and Tetsu Fusome. This book contains a complete record of 160 exhibitions held at the gallery since its establishment. With an overwhelming 1,000 illustrations, including invitations, exhibition views, and articles, this book traces the footsteps of the unique gallery and the study of Kyoto's modern art history.
[The role of my life is to review the painters who put their lives into their works.]
Keizo Hoshino (from newspaper article)
[Mr. Hoshino is a mysterious person.
Whenever I visit his gallery, I am always impressed by his works, which I have never seen before,
Whenever I visit his gallery, I always find some stunning works of art that I have never seen before, but which nevertheless catch my attention.
When asked whose paintings they are, I am always given names that I have never heard before.
Not only that, but I was surprised to find one after another, one after another, that I wondered where they had been hiding in that small gallery.
I wondered where they had been hiding in that small gallery,
It was as if they were hiding in a small gallery. It was like a world of "open sesame.
Takashina Shuji (art historian)
*About Hoshino Gallery
Keizo and Mamiko Hoshino started their art business as "Art Consultant Hoshino" in 1971, opened "Hoshino Gallery" in 1973, and opened a store along Jingu-michi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto in 1982. [With "Rediscovering Painters" as his lifework, he has held exhibitions such as the "Forgotten Painters Series," a signature project introducing painters from the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa periods. He has lent his works to more than 250 exhibitions at public museums nationwide.